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We Shall Not Soon See the Likes of Him Again

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition

Ardashir: Azys Lla - Alpha Quadrant - Helix (x:7.1, y:10.5)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Helix

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071341.png60Future Proof Featurequest1 Icon.png Future Proof (Level 60)


Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards
































Edit Born Again Anima's Miscellaneous Reward

Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Ardashir seems eager to tell you something.
※Changing classes or jobs will prevent progress during this quest.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) equipped or in your inventory, obtain a magicked bauble from The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard).
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) equipped or in your inventory, obtain an ancient magicked poppet from The Great Gubal Library (Hard).
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) equipped or in your inventory, obtain spectral magma from Sohm Al (Hard).
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) equipped or in your inventory, deliver the forging materials to Gerolt in Azys Lla.
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) equipped or in your inventory, activate the processing node.
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) in your inventory, access the verification node.
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) equipped or in your inventory, access the verification node.
  • With (your Anima weapon/shield) in your inventory, deliver the newborn soulstone to Gerolt in Azys Lla.
Journal detail hr1 02.png Unlocks Quests
071341.png60Body and Soul Featurequest1 Icon.png Body and Soul (Level 60)
071341.png60Some Assembly Required Featurequest1 Icon.png Some Assembly Required (Level 60)
  • Ardashir seems eager to tell you something.
※Changing classes or jobs will prevent progress during this quest.
  • Ardashir has good news to share with you─work on the processing node vital to his work is nearly complete. His elation is soon dampened, however, when Gerolt rebukes him for not lifting a finger to help. The young scholar soon insists on doing his fair share of the work, but never fear─there is plenty to go around. Ardashir wastes no time in splitting up his duties, tasking you with obtaining three oddities needed to forge the new anima weapon: a rare gemstone from Amdapor, a magicked doll from the Great Gubal Library, and molten rock from Sohm Al.
  • Braving the perils of Eorzea's darkest dungeons you emerge unscathed, and three rarities richer for the experience. You can only hope Ardashir will have completed his tasks by the time you get back.
  • You arrive in Azys Lla to find the processing node is fully operational. Not wanting to waste time, Ardashir insists Gerolt ignore his thirst for ale and begin work on the weapon. Meanwhile, he would have you activate the now-functioning node.
  • The node springs to life with a buzz and a whir, ready to fashion you a soulstone. Assuming you have the required materials, of course. When you are finished with the processing node, Ardashir asks that you activate the verification node in preparation for the anima's transfer.
  • Moving the anima to a new soulstone will incur great risk, as there is a chance the fledgling spirit will dissipate into the aether before the process is complete. After extensive research, however, Ardashir has discovered the means to ensure the anima's safety: increasing its aetheric density. As he explains it, the anima weapon's recent treatment of ceruleum has enhanced its aether-absorbing abilities, making now the opportune time to carry out his plan. He furnishes you with a monitoring device, and bids you continue your routine acts of heroism. When the anima has absorbed sufficient levels of aether, his most recent discovery─the verification node─will analyze the anima weapon and determine your chances of success. Ardashir is not one to gamble, however, and says he will not be satisfied until failure is a mathematical improbability.
※Should you misplace the anima glass, you may obtain a new one by speaking with Ardashir at Azys Lla.
  • You traverse the realm to fortify the anima through feats of heroism both great and small, from saving cats trapped on cold stone rooves to slaying beasts sent from the void. Confident that the anima is ready, you return to Azys Lla to have the anima weapon examined. The verification node begins its analysis, and after what seems an eternity, you are pleased to hear the chance of failure is nigh on impossible. All that remains is carrying out the transfer.
  • His plans have been perfect, his calculations impeccable, yet Ardashir cannot dismiss his impending sense of dread. His doubts are soon cast aside, however, when Gerolt surprises him with a few choice words reminiscent of encouragement. Duly inspired, they set to work, and it is not long before the anima is placed securely in its new soulstone and weapon...or so they think. You hold your freshly forged weapon aloft, but when you call forth the anima, the lack of response gives you pause. Just when Ardashir had begun to lose hope, the anima appears from a blinding flash of light, regaling you with talk of an otherworldly experience. The anima is safe, now and forevermore. But Ardashir mentions he has one last order of business to discuss with you. Whatever could it be?
※ The attributes of the anima weapon can be reallocated by speaking with Ulan in Idyllshire.

Quest Completed

Forename! You come at a most opportune time, my friend. Repairs on the processing node are nearly complete.

A pity, though, that such repairs are beyond my field of expertise. I have had no choice but to call on Gerolt for assistance.

Hmph. An' when's the last time them dainty little hands o' yers touched a hammer? How about givin' credit where it's due for a change, eh? Or better yet, do some bloody work yerself!

What we do here calls for more than mere brawn. Though if truth be told, I have not the time to study the literature pertinent to such repairs.

Very well. If there is more work to be done, I shall see to it personally. It will not be said that Ardashir Balyk stood idly by while some toper fulfilled duties in his stead.

You don't half have a mouth on ye, do ye? Alright, then. How about fetchin' me them materials for that new weapon ye asked for. And take Forename with ye. Not that I don't trust ye, mind. It's just too much work for one.

If you would insist he accompany me, then so be it.

Ahem. Right then. Forename, there is work to be done.

I would have you handle the more, shall we say, exotic items he has requested─a rare gemstone from Amdapor, a magicked doll from the Great Gubal Library, and molten rock from Sohm Al.

Strange to think such a haphazard collection of items can be forged into a weapon. Then again, I once doubted the favorable effects of alcohol on his smithing.

At any rate, I shall see to the remaining three oddities on his list. Hopefully I will not keep you waiting too long.

Eager to make safe another anima, I see. Well, let us split up the work that we might hasten the process.

As before, I would ask you procure the more obscure items Gerolt requires─a rare gemstone from Amdapor, a magicked doll from the Great Gubal Library, and molten rock from Sohm Al.

Revisiting these locales should prove no problem for one of your talents.

I, for my part, shall see to the remaining three oddities on his list. Hopefully I will not keep you waiting too long.

Quest Accepted


The quest "Born Again Anima" cannot be abandoned via your journal. If you wish to abandon the quest, you may do so at any time by speaking with Ardashir.

There you are. Did ye bring what I asked for?

Then what are ye dawdlin' about here for? Ye don't want that snotty scholar to beat ye back here, do ye? Now, go on, off with ye.

Quest Completed

Good work, lad, and none the worse for wear. Which is more than can I say for His Highness here.

Hmph. If you have time to waste on insults, then I take it we may assume work on the processing node is finished?

Repairs like that I can do with me eyes closed. Finished 'em ages ago─just been waitin' for you two to show up.

Excellent. At last, we can commence our work on the new soulstone.

I trust I can count on you for assistance once more?

Looks like ye'll be busy with yer toys for a bit. In that case, reckon I'll go put back a few.

Gerolt. I will not begrudge you a drink or two, as is your wont. Just promise me that the work will be done. With all the materials at hand, you could perform such a trifling task with your eyes closed, no?

<grumble> Cheeky little... Fine. But ye'd best hurry along with the soulstone, ye hear?

Now, then. Let me explain our next course of action.

First and foremost, I will need your help with creating the new soulstone.

It is a rather involved process, but with your help I have no doubt everything will proceed swimmingly.

Once finished, we will also need to ensure the anima is duly prepared for the transfer. Though not a complex procedure, it is without question the most vital. My most recent discovery─an aetheric verification device─should prove quite useful here.

But further explanations regarding that can wait until later. When you are ready to begin work on the soulstone, pray activate the processing node.

Mighty fast work there, Forename. Wouldn't expect anythin' less.

I too managed to return in record time.

And now that you are here, let us begin work on the new soulstone.

Quest Completed

<beep> <beep> Initializing... Please set desired parameters.

Well, well, it works. Give me a moment while I ready the node.

<beep> <beep> Initializing... Please set desired parameters.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, let me ready the node.

Quest Completed

There. All we require now are materials for the soulstone's creation. And for that, I turn to your unrivaled talent for procurement.

Now, now. If we are to preserve the anima, we cannot falter now.

After all, there is yet another crucial step to be taken before the soulstone is complete.

For that, we will require the verification node.

But let us not get ahead of ourselves; there is still much to do. You need not concern yourself with this device until we are finished with the processing node.

There we are. We need but gather the requisite materials and we shall have another soulstone. I trust you will have no difficulty in obtaining more pneumite?

Of course, there is also the matter of the anima's aetheric density, but we need not get ahead of ourselves. Pray activate the verification node when you are ready to examine the anima.

Quest Completed


You can now accept the quest "Some Assembly Required" from the processing node.

To continue progression in the quest "Born Again Anima," you must complete the quest "Some Assembly Required" to obtain a new soulstone.

To continue progression in the quest "Born Again Anima," you must complete the quest "Some Assembly Required" to obtain a new soulstone.

<beep> <beep> Please present specimen for analysis.

Quest Completed

So, Forename, what do you think? As fortune would have it, I happened upon this node when searching for salvageable materials to repair the processing node.

It has the ability to analyze the aetherial composition of any object placed before it─a function crucial to our work.

In order to transfer the anima's essence to the new soulstone, we must first sever the link to its present vessel. But this is not without incredible risk.

For you see, in the instant it becomes unbound, there is a danger that it will dissipate into the aether. Its life would be extinguished in the blink of an eye.

After much research into the manipulation of aether, I learned of the means to preserve the anima long enough to complete the process─aetheric condensation. The anima is, after all, a creature composed entirely of condensed aether. If it were to be condensed further, it should prove robust enough to survive the transfer.

Thanks to the anima weapon's treatment of ceruleum, I daresay its ability to absorb naturally occurring aether─thereby increasing the anima's density─is heightened. 'Tis only a matter of reaching levels needed for our purposes.

To that end, I would ask that you resume your feats of derring-do, and monitor the anima with this device. It should indicate when the anima has reached sufficient density levels based on my estimates.

When the anima is ready, return here and place its vessel in the verification node. I have programmed it to run a simulation of the transfer process based on the anima's density.

When the verification node has confirmed the chance of failure is all but eliminated, we can proceed to the next phase of our plan.

Good. You are ready, then. As before, you will need to increase the anima's aetheric density.

Here. You will need a new anima glass to monitor its progress.

When the anima is sufficiently condensed, bring it back for analysis.


Completing certain activities while equipped with your anima weapon and shield will increase their aetheric density.

Please be advised that aetheric density cannot be increased when their durability is zero.

Completing certain activities while equipped with your anima weapon will increase its aetheric density.

Please be advised that aetheric density cannot be increased when its durability is zero.

By using the anima glass, it is possible to visually verify your progress.

<beep> Analyzing... Beginning simulation... Insufficient density levels. <beep> Chance of failure estimated at 75%.

<beep> Analyzing... Beginning simulation... Insufficient density levels. <beep> Chance of failure estimated at 62.5%.

<beep> Analyzing... Beginning simulation... Density levels reaching acceptable parameters. <beep> Chance of failure estimated at 37.5%.

<beep> Analyzing... Beginning simulation...

Density levels reaching acceptable parameters. <beep> Chance of failure estimated at 12.5%.


Completing certain activities while equipped with your anima weapon and shield will increase their aetheric density levels.

Please be advised that aetheric density cannot be increased when their durability is zero.

Completing certain activities while equipped with your anima weapon will increase its aetheric density level.

Please be advised that aetheric density cannot be increased when its durability is zero.

By using the anima glass, it is possible to visually verify your progress.

<beep> <beep> Please present specimen for analysis.

Analyzing... Beginning simulation...

Aetheric density exceeds prescribed parameters. <beep> Chance of failure estimated at 0.0000001%.

Excellent! With readings like this, our work should be but a matter of course.

Take the anima weapon and the soulstone to Gerolt. At last we shall move the anima to its new, permanent vessel.

All that remains is to complete work on the soulstone. Soon, my friend. Soon the anima will be safe, now and forevermore!


In order to create a newborn soulstone, use the processing node and complete the quest "Some Assembly Required."

You lost the anima glass? For the love o'... Go an' get another from Ardashir.

Quest Completed

What are you botherin' me for, then? Hurry up with that bloody soulstone!

What are you botherin' me for, then? Hurry up with that bloody soulstone!


In order to create a newborn soulstone, use the processing node and complete the quest "Some Assembly Required."

Quest Completed

Finish the soulstone? Let's have it, then. The weapon too.

Finish the soulstone? Let's have it, then. The weapon too.

What are you botherin' me for, then? Hurry up with that bloody soulstone!

Well, let's get to it.

Oi, Ardashir!

You needn't yell─I can hear just fine. I just...I just needed a moment.

A moment? What the hells for? An' what's with the gloom all a sudden?

...Wait a second. Ye ain't scared, are ye?

Scared? Scared?

I am absolutely terrified! What if something should go wrong!? Years of hard work and research would be squandered. More importantly, an innocent new life would be lost. I could never forgive myself should the unthinkable befall the anima.

So that's it, then? Ye just plan to run, with nothin' to show but a trail o' piss on yer way home? After all ye've done to get this far!?

An' what about Forename? He fought to the seventh hell an' back to get the anima ready for this.

An' me! Ye've held me hostage here hammerin' new weapons day after day, an' this one's me best yet. You'd be denyin' the world a masterpiece what puts all other smiths to shame.

An' sure, ye might be a self-servin', preenin' little gobshite, but I've seen me fair share o' scholars, an' yer the cleverest little gobshite I've ever met. Should go without sayin' the soulstone ye made is perfect, so why get so bothered over nothin'?

Gerolt... I...

Ahem. As you say, we have no reason to be concerned.

Let us begin by transferring the anima to the new soulstone.

I will require the anima glass, if you would be so kind.

'Tis done. Quickly now, Gerolt. The anima will not last long. Set the soulstone!

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Quest Completed

In overcoming such trials and travails together, I daresay you two have become quite the pair. Less adventurer and his arm friends.

Though I am but a youth of seventeen summers, I know what it means to respect and care for another. This is the sort of true kinship I see in you.

It gladdens me to hear such praise. My only aim now is to become stronger, and prove myself a loyal friend to Forename.

It gladdens me to hear such praise. My only aim now is to become stronger, and prove myself a faithful friend to Forename.

Your adventures with Forename will doubtless carry you to distant lands, where you will confront foes the likes of which I can scarce imagine.

But no matter the challenge, you must rise to overcome it. Together, as true friends do. When you return from such travels, I should very much like to hear your tales of triumph.

We have done it, Forename. The anima shall enjoy life in all its splendor, now and forevermore, thanks to your selfless dedication. Words fail to express my gratitude.

Oi, Ardashir.

I've been meanin' to tell ye, but I've fixed up the wings on this little one, too. Just like ye asked.

Thank you, Gerolt. All that remains to do is to calibrate the joints and it will be complete.

Ah, yes. There is another matter I would discuss with you, but doubtless you are weary after such a long day. I bid you safe travels home, and a well-earned respite. Let us speak again when next you return to Azys Lla.

We did it, Forename! We have guaranteed the future of yet another life, another companion with whom you can explore the untraveled reaches of Eorzea. May your journeys together be ever fruitful!

Quest Completed


Your anima weapon has been reborn, the spirit within imbued with newfound power!

Edit Born Again Anima's Dialogue

See Anima Weapons (Phase Five) for detailed information on how to complete this quest.

Edit Born Again Anima's Miscellaneous Reward

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