Modifying a car is something that nearly everyone who enjoys cars is interested in doing. You can make several modifications to your automobile to enhance its performance, refine its handling, or make it look nicer. While there are many beneficial changes you can apply to your car, there are also many pointless ones that will only serve to worsen your driving experience. It's critical to put your car's best mods first and leave the less helpful ones for last.

As ignorant car owners try to boost their vehicle's performance, save money on gas, or up its style quotient without doing any basic research on the products they are purchasing or using common sense when evaluating the claims made by the people selling these miracle parts, it appears that the list of automotive offenses keeps getting longer and longer. With some drivers spending thousands on aftermarket components and changes, car modification is a huge business worldwide. On the other hand, what are some of the ugliest yet amusing automobile modifications you can make?

Looking at the history of poor auto modifications, we came up with this list of the worst aftermarket equipment you could ever install in your car.

10 The Tornado Electric Turbocharger/Turbonator

Michael Reynolds

Why would you pay $25 for an air intake fan when you could spend the same money on a small 12-volt fan that increases horsepower and fuel economy by the hundreds of percent? How about the fact that no carmaker has ever thought to include such a basic feature in any of their production vehicles before now? Last but not least, how about an 'electric supercharger'? If that's the case, would you buy it?

Via: Mighty Car Mods

A surprising number of people replied yes when asked whether or not they would put a "Turbonator" in their intake tube going to their engine. However, instead of improving combustion by 'disrupting' the air molecules, these passive and driven devices reduce performance and increase gas consumption by obstructing the airflow to the engine. Another possibility is that the metal blades of the fan may break off and fly into the engine, causing thousands of dollars in damage.

9 Lambo Doors

Lamborghini formerly employed a scissor hinge to raise the Countach's doors to overcome an issue caused by the car's body design. For one thing, this made it easier for owners to pop open the door and see behind them when reversing, something the Countach's remnant hindsight from within the cabin did not permit. Hundreds of people seeking attention have created a whole new problem by putting scissor doors in places they were never intended to be.

via Super Street

Since the Lamborghini debuted, a hinge that needs the driver and passenger to lift a considerably heavier door instead of swinging out, like in the Countach, merely causes a nuisance for everyone engaged in the car. This is true especially true if it's on a vehicle that's already got clearance difficulties in a garage. Also, good luck getting out if your car is rolled over.

8 Fuel Line Magnets


There's a lengthy history of automobile "snake oil" improvements like fuel line magnets, which promise to fix problems that never existed. Some car owners are concerned about invisible pollutants hiding in gasoline and wreaking havoc on their engines as they drive around. There are several filters that major fuel manufacturers have previously used to ensure that the gasoline offered at the pump is free of contaminants that might harm your engine.

Claims that magnets can 'activate' or 'prepare' fuel molecules for burning are even more improbable. It's about as scientifically sound as a rubber band bracelet. And, come on, who still has a snap bracelet on their wrist?

7 Exhaust Whistle Tip


In addition to dogs, anybody within a half-mile radius may hear the annoying high-pitch frequency emitted by whistle tips attached to an exhaust system. Just wait till the early commute when the whistle tip wakes up your neighbors if you thought a cackling exhaust was wonderful for making friends with your neighbors.

Whistles in your pipe
Via - KikUU

What percentage of the population is particularly adept at deciphering a whistle tip's high-pitched tone? Cops. When law enforcement agencies of all stripes install a set of whistle tips, it's like ringing a dinner bell to increase their monthly quota of moving infractions.

6 Spinner Hubcaps

via Pinterest

The incredibly irritating and outdated spinning hubcap is another popular item among modders. Spinner hubcaps, which rotate independently of the wheel, are another accessory that serves no use other than to irritate every driver you pass on the road. In fact, spinner hubcaps are so annoying that numerous states in the United States have enacted legislation prohibiting them on the basis that they may be distracting or disturbing to other drivers, posing a safety threat.


Despite this, spinner hubcaps remain one of the most popular things at specialist auto modification shops, with customers purchasing them from out of state and installing them on their vehicles even in states where they are prohibited. Unfortunately, this is true.

5 Stick-On Hood Vents (Hood Scoops)

All the stick on scoops
Via - CarThrottle

Let's face it, folks. We're capable of doing better than fake scoops. These are the false vents or scoops that individuals purchase and install on their car's hood to make it appear like a racing model, we guess. Real hood scoops promote airflow through the vents, boosting heat and air conditioning efficiency. Fake hood scoops, on the other hand, are just pieces of plastic fixed to the car. There is no air intake going to the engine or anyplace else. Stick-on hood vents, on the other hand, are a top seller on eBay, where they can be had for as low as $5.

Via reddit

We understand that individuals want their ride to seem cooler than it is, but this is not the solution. When traveling down the highway, several of these fake hood vents fly off. You can see the funny and pitiful fails of this cheap and frankly, needless mod on YouTube. These stick-on hood vents are frequently installed on cars that aren't racing vehicles in any form. With the fake hood vent put on it, the Toyota Corolla does not appear like a street racing car. Folks, it's time for an honest moment with ourselves.

4 Big Boy Rims


Using excessively large rims in cars designed to have smaller wheels is quite questionable and puzzling to think about. To begin with, most small cars will look horrible in oversized wheels. Secondly, people doing such mods spend a huge amount of money when you consider all the work that goes into fitting the wheels.


This mod is common among people who buy rather cheap cars, but then end up spending a fortune on ridiculous mods. In fact, they might even spend more making these customizations than the cost of the car. This mod tragically ends with the car looking more awkward than eye pleasing. Sure, people won't miss noticing you on the road, but for all the wrong reasons.

3 Fake Engine Sounds


The engine in the Scion FR-S isn't renowned for roaring, or purring, for that matter. People may install artificial engine noises to their cars instead of upgrading the engine. People may put a pair of speakers under the hood for a reasonable price to make it seem like the engine is revved up and ready to roar. Until you participate in a street race and the limitations of your vehicle's power are revealed, the car will sound awesome and no one will know you're full of it.

via Up Owners Club

However, owing to fake engine noises, your car will manage to sound like a powerhouse, and you will irritate the folks stuck alongside you at red lights. This automotive modification is utterly needless, pointless, and ridiculous. But who said being cool necessitated being practical or intelligent?

2 Winging It Awful

via Auto Evolution

When it came to muscle cars, only the Dodge Charger Daytona and the Plymouth SuperBird had massive rear wings that worked, and only because those vehicles were built on devastating NASCAR, which they promptly did. That, however, is a different tale. Massive spoilers are something you should avoid doing.


Put hideous spoilers and rear wings on a muscle car to make a grotesque parody of what the vehicle was intended to look like in the first place. Another awful and disgusting muscle car conversion. This awful mod is not limited to muscle cars but applies across the board. Don't be tempted by the wings!

1 Excessive Sound System

Via YouTube

However, installing an extremely loud sound system is one interior change you should avoid. There are more speakers in the trunk of these two automobiles than some cars have in the entire cabin combined. It's OK to have one amplifier and a handful of better speakers, but this level of overkill is unnecessary.


It adds a significant amount of weight to the vehicle, and listening to loud music while driving may be extremely distracting, potentially resulting in an accident. In addition, you'll be the focus of everyone's attention for all the wrong reasons.